True Story
It's a cold, winter morning. A mother walks into a small restaurant with her two year-old son. She greets the lady behind the counter and explains that she was just standing at the bus stop outside when her son told her he had to go pee, and that he needs to use the restroom. The lady behind the counter rolls her eyes, mumbles something under her breath and signals a big, burly man over to them.
"He'll take him to the restroom," the lady tells the mom.
"No, I can take him to the restroom," the mom says.
The lady and the big, burly man explain some nonsense about the restroom being behind the grills and customers not being allowed in that area of the restaurant.
The mother, now visibly upset, asks the lady for a plastic cup so that her son can go pee in the corner.
"He can't pee in the restaurant!" the lady behind the counter says.
The other customers, who have been watching the exchange, begin to weigh in on the situation.
"What? You don't trust him to take your son to the restroom?" one man asks the mother.
"What is she doing in the neighborhood if she doesn't even trust the people here?" one lady quietly asks another.
"It's not like he can stand up and hold his own penis!" the mother hurled back at everyone.
A woman sitting nearby with a young girl reached into her diaper bag and offered the mother a diaper.
"It's for girls but it may help," one mother said to the other.
"Thank you," the mother said, accepting the diaper. And she left the restaraunt to catch her bus and go to work.