
To the Left {This Will One Day Make Sense}

Month 16: Week 3: Day 1

In Brooklyn, I took the uptown A. In Washington Heights, I hopped on the 1. At 242nd, I took the #6 bus then transferred to the #1, all the while getting closer and closer and more and more lost as I tried to keep with the directions, journeying farther and farther into the Boondocks. {I can’t help but think that all this drama could have been easily avoided if only I had a car}.

Omigod! Where am I?


Pleasantville? Never heard of it.

After the bus, there was a walk down a winding, very hilly road lined with houses straight out of a one of Hayes’s storybooks. At the end of the street was a castle, {ok, I’ve never seen one in person but it was exactly what I imagine a real castle to look like}, a swarm of police cars, good looking people milling about and a team of crew members working hard.

At the door, I spoke the magic words to security. Inside were lights, cameras and good catered food.

Exactly what was all the hoopla about in Nowheresville today? Well, it was a real hush-hush affair. But I’ll give you a few hints: The title of this here blog, Mtv, Kelly and…Beyonce! {Sorry. A celebrity pic would have gotten me thrown out}.


Anonymous said...

Details Details...Please!

Brandhi said...

Sorry for the late reponse. The details are hilarious. It was a video shoot I was invited to by the director of the Suffocation video. The cool thing is that I'm sure my face will be on the making of the video film {so watch out for the next making of a Beyonce video}. The not so cool thing we must discuss off-line.