Not Just a Little Fun...
When I found out the very first The Little Gym opened in 1976, I was not at all surprised. Afterall, the 70’s brought revolution in many forms. And the way humans move is only one of them. But I’m not referring to budded-out hippies in old Woodstock footage. I’m talking about motor skills development—but fun!
Hayes and I recently took an early morning Little Beasts class at The Little Gym. It was the perfect way to spend an overcast summer day together. And because The Little Gym is smart enough to offer the first class for free, it was guaranteed regret-free fun.
Needless to say, Hayes was a daredevil maniac. And what was cool is that he was allowed to be. He, along with the other beasts, was encouraged to explore a room filled with toddler-size gymnastics equipment even when the instructor and other caregivers were focused on something else entirely. He flipped, somersaulted, jumped, laughed and ran around like a complete mad man in perfectly padded comfort. It was motor skills development at its most fun. Really, no one does it better (except for when I teach Rumble and Tumble every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at the Dodge YMCA. But that’s another post for another day).
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