Mmmm...Have a Slice!
Champion career advisor Tory Johnson recently gave me a tip: Blog every day, multiple times a day. Take a big idea, slice it up and dish it out to your readers in morsels. Brilliant. Wait…Are we talking about cake?
It’s a recipe that works well when quantity matters. But insert your most vivid memory of cafeteria food here and you can see how the quantity over quality game is played out everyday in cyber world.
Now, back to our cake. I tested the recipe with a sweet idea. I sliced, but ended up posting only once—over a three-day period. And I must say, I’m sooooo satisfied. So, if starving a reader with one post a week is virtual suicide in cyber world, then how can a blogger keep her public satiated?
I choose to change the game; I only post when I have something relevant to say. Quality over quantity ain’t no piece of cake, but it sure goes down well. And for that, I’ll gladly pass on any compromise.
Because in today’s race to fill up the web, the ultimate goal should not be to satisfy a reader with fillers. No, no, no. In today’s game, the real goal should be answered with this question: When a reader reads a blog, does the blog return the favor?
Thanks for reading.
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