
What the…? Part Duh

FYI: The poorly planned party from my previous post turned out to be one of the most well-planned I have ever seen, so I stand corrected. Although I won’t take it back that it was altogether a very weird idea.

There was an invitation sent to all classmates, even though the party was taking place at school during school hours. So by default, everyone would attend. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the fun in classmates acknowledging birthdays. But holding a full-blown party complete with balloons, family members taking photos, a piñata, and don’t forget the cake, during regular classroom time is weird.

And what’s weirder is that when I picked up Hayes from school, I noticed that some kids had come to school with gifts. I should also mention that most of the kids were wearing the suggested costume. So my small rebellion turned out to be nearly everyone’s rebellion. It’s good to know I’m not crazy for ignoring the instructions but yo!... What kind of party is this? Am I crazy for assuming that one of the reasons for the formal invitation was so that people would show up with gifts? Scandalous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could have always given them a slightly used typwriter.