
Gold Fish?

What do moms talk about when there is absolutely nothing to talk about? Well, me and my friend Stacey, Kimani's mom, talk about fish. And it was a pretty funny conversation...

Stacey: Have you seen the colored goldfish?

Me: What do you mean colored goldfish?

Stacey: They're selling rainbow colored goldfish now.

Me: What?

Stacey: Yeah, I saw them today. And Kimani somehow already knew about them. He was like, "Look mommy, the colored ones."

Me: Well, how do they make them all different colors?

Stacey: Food coloring, I guess.

Me: Gross!

Stacey: I know! And you would think in this day in age...

Me: ...That they wouldn't feed goldfish food coloring.

Stacey: Wait a minute...What?

Apparently, even a toddler would have guessed we were talking about Goldfish--the crackers. However, since fish are not a part of either Hayes's or my diet, I assumed we were talking about goldfish--the live ones. Because if you say pork, I instinctively think of a pig laying in the mud. It's the vegan in me.

The best part was what Stacey said once the topic had been clarified...

Stacey: Kimani asked if I would buy a bag. And I felt just like you when I had to tell him, "No, we don't eat that!"


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