




It’s a classic. It’s animated, smart, funny, and it’s Dr. Seuss. Sure, these are all good reasons why Horton Hears a Who should be a great movie. But they are also the reasons why I was positive I would leave the theater disappointed. {You can imagine it not meeting even your most basic of expectations. Remember that God-awful Alvin and the Chipmunks? Hopefully you were smarter than I am and didn’t think you might like it, read a review that said it was good, and go see it only to realize that it’s one of the worst children’s movies ever made ever in the history of really bad children’s movies}.

Well, Horton Hears a Who is a good movie. In fact, it’s one of the best children’s movies ever. Sure, the colorful characters, suspenseful storyline, and heartfelt moral are capturing. But what really convinced me that this Dr. Seuss adaptation is a movie like no other was when Hayes and I sat staring at the big screen with our heads together. Because it was in that moment that I felt a stray hair tickle my neck. I took the stray between my fingers and pulled. But the hair didn’t detach, and since I felt nothing, I decided it must have been tangled in a knot. So I yanked really hard…and Hayes let out the loudest scream I’ve ever heard in the history of really loud screams. But instead of bursting into tears—which would have been totally justified considering the way I ripped that stray hair clear out of his head—he simply went back to watching the movie as if nothing was going to stop his from enjoying this classic.

Who knew? Horton Hears a Who soothes boo-boos, prevents tantrums and entertains too.


What the...? Part Tray

I just completed a very extensive survey that included a host of random and regular people around me about birthday parties. And apparently I'm wrong to think the birthday party Hayes and all of his classmates were "invited" to was weird. I found out that these school parties happen all the time. So, I stand corrected...and very confused. Whatever, people!


...for all you 80's babies...reminisce and enjoy!


What the…? Part Duh

FYI: The poorly planned party from my previous post turned out to be one of the most well-planned I have ever seen, so I stand corrected. Although I won’t take it back that it was altogether a very weird idea.

There was an invitation sent to all classmates, even though the party was taking place at school during school hours. So by default, everyone would attend. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the fun in classmates acknowledging birthdays. But holding a full-blown party complete with balloons, family members taking photos, a piñata, and don’t forget the cake, during regular classroom time is weird.

And what’s weirder is that when I picked up Hayes from school, I noticed that some kids had come to school with gifts. I should also mention that most of the kids were wearing the suggested costume. So my small rebellion turned out to be nearly everyone’s rebellion. It’s good to know I’m not crazy for ignoring the instructions but yo!... What kind of party is this? Am I crazy for assuming that one of the reasons for the formal invitation was so that people would show up with gifts? Scandalous.

What the...?

So, here’s a story:

Hayes was invited to a school birthday party for a classmate. The party is being held at school during school hours. {You may already be thinking what I was thinking: Why the invite? Well, there’s more}.

The invitation, sent home Friday, also announced that each child should come to school on Monday dressed in his best pirate costume. Yikes! A costume and a stipulation that it be the best. Can I scream now? YO! It’s March—not Halloween costume season. Am I crazy to assume that I’m supposed to get all artsy-craftsy and actually make something? And are they crazy to assume that I’m really going to get all artsy-craftsy and actually make something? Because there’s just no way last-minute-artsy-craftsy is happening around here. Ever.

I do feel kind of bad that Hayes may be the only kid not dressed for the occasion—and with no better excuse than that I refuse to participate in poor party planning. But I can only hope that all the other parents who read the invite will join me in my small rebellion.


Kick Pick: March

There is so much to think about in a day (i.e. how many times you can hit snooze before you're officially late, who to vote for, what's for breakfast, where's lunch, who can you get to buy dinner, how'd that smudge get on your pants, et cetera, et cetera). I know somewhere on that never-ending string of ramblings is a nagging thought about what Hayes is wearing these days. Well, put your mind at ease. He's wearing a classic this season.