

Hayes and I hung out at Babesta with owner Jenn Cattaui, who is as stylish in person as her new and trendy Tribeca storefront. What'd we find? I walked out with some original Babesta designs that ranged from the funny and ironic to the seriously political. And before I could tell Hayes for the third time to chill out in a chair that doubles as a sleek rocking horse, my made-to-order Kennedy onesie was fresh off the press in the size and color I requested.

Also, Jenn introduced me to New Skool, a collection of sick graphic designs by a Cali graffiti artist made strictly for the tragically hip. You know I had to cop that!...and an Ugly Doll.

You can visit Babesta by clicking on the title of this post or at 66 West Broadway, between Warren and Murray. {Tell Jenn your friend Hayes sent you}!

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