
Always Love Your Mother

Call me a sap if you must but I’m a sucker for a guy who loves his mama. Maybe that’s why when I heard the news of Donda West’s passing I felt deeply for Kanye’s loss.

For all the controversy he tries hard to stir up, Kanye had that adorable John-John thing with his mom—that unabashed I-love-my-mother-and-I-don’t-care-what-you-have-to-say-about-it thing that doesn’t always translate well among the girlfriend set, or even among some of the fellas for that matter, but ultimately gets respect from everyone.

I mean, how can you not like a guy who shows up at red carpet events with his mom on his arm, who writes, produces and sings a song about the woman who gave birth to him, and always celebrates his success with her with a big smile on his face? Well, for all the things to not like Kanye for, you can’t not like him for that.

Afterall, Kanye knows how to keep the mommies happy. And when mommy’s happy, everyone’s happy.

Take note, young men. Really, take some notes.

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