
Cybergroup Dynamics

It's beginning to feel a lot like fall in my neck of the woods. This means seven long months of inclement weather. Like most toddlers, Hayes loves the bleak and blustery stuff just as much as the lovely sunshine. But all I can think about is the fated cabin fever I suffer every year. I'm anxious to combat the winter blues with some serious kid activity.

So, like a true cybermom, I turned to the web for ideas. My first thought was to join all of the parent groups in my area just to connect with fellow mommies about what's out there to do and see. I googled and found a site that listed all of the cybergroups in my area and proceeded to join each of them one-by-one. For the most part, it was quite simple...until all of a sudden it was not.

One parent group in particular had a multiple-step acceptance process for potential members. Seriously. Not at all intimidating, I must say. Just plain annoying. As if the initial tell-us-in-200-characters-or-less-who-you-are-and-why-you-want-to-join-our-group mandate was not enough, the second step of the process was to complete an in-depth questionnaire detailing who I am and why I want to join. And as if that was not enough, I was then sent an outline of the group rules. To which I replied, "please unsubscribe me."

If hanging out with that group of parents is what I have to look forward to this winter, it's sure to be a long one. No thank you.

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